Passmore Street

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FINALIST of the UK Passivhaus Awards 2015 - 11/19 Passmore St are two-bed small historic terraced houses in the heart of Belgravia that are the first privately rented EnerPHit buildings in London. The houses were pilot projects completed by Grosvenor Britain & Ireland.
Images Graphs Figures Description Strategies Building

Passmore Street : Project images

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CO2 emissionsPrimary energy requirement
Energy target

Energy and fuel use

Fuel use by type
Primary energy requirement
CO2 emissions

Measured data from renewable generation is not yet available.

Fuel use

Electricity use - - -
Natural gas use- - -
Oil use- - -
LPG use- - -
Wood use- - -
Other Fuel - - -
Primary energy requirement - - -
Annual CO₂ emissions - - -
Annual space heat demand - - -

Renewable energy

Electricity generationForecastMeasured
Renewables Technology--
Other Renewables Tech--
Electricity consumed by generation --
Primary energy requirement
offset by renewable generation
Annual CO₂ emissions
offset by renewable generation

Calculation and targets

Whole house energy calculation method
Other whole house calculation method-
Energy target EnerPHit
Other energy targets-
Forecast heating load -


Pre-development air permeability test--
Final air permeability test--

Project description

Start date
Occupation date
Location London London  England
Build typeRefurbishment
Building sectorPrivate Residential
Property typeMid Terrace
Construction type
Other construction type
Party wall construction
Floor area 67.1
Floor area calculation method Treated Floor Area (PHPP)
Building certification  Passivhaus certified building Passivhaus certified building

Project Team

OrganisationSturgis Carbon Profiling
Project lead personSturgis Carbon Profiling
Landlord or ClientGrosvenor Britain & Ireland
ArchitectSturgis Carbon Profiling
Mechanical & electrical consultant
Energy consultantSturgis Carbon Profiling
Structural engineer
Quantity surveyor
ConsultantCertifier - Co-Create

Design strategies

Planned occupancy
Space heating strategy
Water heating strategy
Fuel strategy
Renewable energy strategy
Passive Solar strategy
Space cooling strategy
Daylighting strategy
Ventilation strategy
Airtightness strategy
Strategy for minimising thermal bridges
Modelling strategy
Insulation strategy
Other relevant retrofit strategies
Contextual information

Building services

Space heating
Hot water
Renewable energy generation system
Strategy for minimising thermal bridges

Building construction

Volume -
Thermal fabric area -
Roof description
Roof U-value -
Walls description
Walls U-value -
Party walls description
Party walls U-value -
Floor description
Floor U-value -
Glazed doors description
Glazed doors U-value - -
Opaque doors description
Opaque doors U-value - -
Windows description
Windows U-value - -
Windows energy transmittance (G-value) -
Windows light transmittance -
Rooflights description
Rooflights light transmittance -
Rooflights U-value -